Yes, you can create a custom waiver for specific class types, like a youth class, childminding, or an outdoor event. This can be easily set up in Xplor Growth and synced to Mariana Tek.
Create a custom waiver
When logged into Xplor Growth, Navigate to Marketing > Waivers. Create the custom / specialized waivers you wish to have.
Under Create, select the fields you wish, add any required additional questions, and paste in the waiver information.
Once you've added the fields and waiver details, click on Advanced Options and select Create a New One.
If you want to make the waiver required for all clients at your studio, check Make this waiver required. If you only want to use the waiver for some clients or class types, leave this box unchecked.
Complete the waiver settings to add a redirection to your website or schedule if you wish, then click Create and Link.
Optional: Create a merge tag with the waiver link for ease of access in marketing emails and SMS messages. Learn more about merge tags here.
If you would like to test or use the waiver now, click View Hosted Waiver in the top right corner, and complete a waiver. Within 1-2 hours you should see the waiver verification status in your Mariana Tek account under Personal Information > Legal.
View a completed waiver
To view the completed waiver, while logged into Xplor Growth navigate to Contacts > Select a Contact > Documents.
Automatically send a custom waiver to select class attendees
You can use an automation to automatically send a custom waiver to select class attendees.
Navigate to Automation > Marketing Automation and select Create an Automation.
Give the automation a name, and set up the Entry Criteria as
Type = Future Reservation
Has a future visit
Within the next 1 day
Specific Visits
Class Name = the class type you want to send this waiver to
Create an SMS or text message to be sent immediately to anyone who enters the automation, that includes the link to the waiver. Click here for more information about automations.
Since a custom waiver is not required for all clients, front desk staff will not be notified if one is outstanding. Instead, we recommend auditing a class for waiver completion an hour before the class, and using the Customer Note functionality as a reminder to staff or instructors to have a client sign the waiver.