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How do I copy an automation?

How to make copies of automations you have already created.

Lauren Everett avatar
Written by Lauren Everett
Updated over 2 months ago

Do you have an awesome 100th-visit milestone campaign that you want to replicate for 200 visits but don't want to create the campaign from scratch? Copying an automation is fast and easy!

Navigate to Automation > Marketing Automation in the top navigation bar.

Once on the Automations page, locate and click on the automation you'd like to copy. When you are in the automation you'd like to copy, click the Options button in the top-right > Copy.

Marketing Automation - Google Chrome 2024-05-16 at 3.27.25 PM

Once you have clicked Copy, a copy of your automation will be added to your Automations list with "Copy" added to the title.

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