Merge tags are a piece of code that allows you to include dynamic, unique data in your marketing initiatives. This is particularly helpful in creating an auto-campaign or scheduled email at the HQ level but want the language to be oriented to each location when the content is ultimately pushed to franchisees.
For example, let's say you have created an auto-campaign in the HQ account
This campaign includes an auto-email to target clients who have created a profile in your booking software and encourage them to purchase and/or book.
This auto-email will drive the client to a landing page. These landing pages will differ per franchisee.
Instead of pushing this email into each franchisee account and manually editing the content to reflect that particular franchisee, I can use a merge tag to populate the relevant information in each account!
Creating the Merge Tag in HQ or Single Location
1. Once logged into the HQ account, navigate to Settings
2. In the left-hand menu, navigate to Company Profile.
3. Scroll to the Merge Tags section > click into the Franchise Merge Tags tab.
4. Once in the Franchise Merge Tags tab, click Add new Merge Tag.
5. Fill out the merge tag information.
The Identifier is the merge tag itself (the computer-friendly version.)
The Label is the description of the merge tag (the human-friendly version.)
The Value can be left blank. It will not be filled in on the HQ site - this will be inputted into each franchisee account.
6. Click Add to create the merge tag.
7. Click Sync with Franchisees to share it with all of your child accounts.
You'll have to do this every time a new franchisee is located. It will not override what existing franchisees have in their accounts.
When creating an email in the HQ account, this merge tag will be included on the list of Available Personalizations that can be copied/pasted into your message content.
Adding the Value in Franchisee Accounts
1. Log into the franchisee account.
2. Navigate to your business name in the top-right > click Settings.
3. In the left-hand menu, navigate to Company Profile.
4. Scroll to the Merge Tags section > click into the Franchise Merge Tags tab.
5. In the Value section, add the data specific to that location.
*Note: Remove https:// from the URL if copying and pasting
When an email is sent from that account, it will automatically replace the merge tag in the email content with the value input in the field.