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How do I Archive/Unarchive a campaign?
How do I Archive/Unarchive a campaign?
Vicky Vasso avatar
Written by Vicky Vasso
Updated over a week ago

To Archive an automation first the automation must be in 'Draft' or 'Paused' status. You will not see the option if the automation is live. Once the automation is in either of those statuses you can hit the options button within the automation and you will see a button that says 'Archive" as seen below:

Now that the automation has been archived I'm sure you are wondering, "Well what if I want to get that automation back?"

To 'Unarchive' the automation you will go to the main automation screen and on the left-hand side you will see a button for 'Archive Auto-Campaigns' when you click on that it will bring you to where all of your archived automations live. This list is sorted by archived date.

There will be two ways you are able to unarchive an automation. The first is within the automation itself, instead of a button for starting and pausing the automation you will see one that says 'Unarchive':

The second way you can unarchive an automation is from the list of automations, you will see a checkbox on the left-hand side of the automation. When you select that checkbox a new button will populate that says 'Unarchive Selected Automations', once you have selected your desired automations to be unarchived you can hit that button and they will populate back in your automations list for you to start using again.

While an automation is archived you will be unable to make any changes to that automation. You cannot edit rules, add auto messages or tasks, add contacts or remove contacts. You will need to unarchive to make those changes.

Archive Campaign FAQs

Can location (child) account users archive HQ locked campaigns?

No, location level users do not have the ability to archive campaigns that are synced locked from HQ.

What user permission levels have the ability to archive campaigns?

All permission levels have the ability to archive campaigns. The only exception are HQ locked campaigns as listed above!

Will I lose my historic campaign data if I archive a campaign?

Historic campaign data will not be lost upon archiving. Once a campaign is archived, you will see the basic stats listed on the Archived Campaign screen (number of contacts currently in campaign/had not met the goal, number of contacts in the campaign all time, and conversion %).

In order to view the contacts in greater detail (i.e. who entered, what goal they hit, etc.), the campaign must be unarchived.

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