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How do I track changes in Agreement and Fee History?
How do I track changes in Agreement and Fee History?
Stephanie Parks avatar
Written by Stephanie Parks
Updated over a month ago

Within each Fee Agreement, you will find a detailed record of all changes made including the addition, deletion, modification of fees, and the modification or cloning of an agreement.

Tracking changes adds a layer of transparency, ensuring that all parties know about any changes made.

Where to View History

When clicking on any Fee Agreement, you will see a +Fee History button at the bottom of each fee and a +Agreement History button at the bottom.

Types of Changes that are Tracked

The following data is tracked on each Agreement Fee

  1. Adding a Fee

  2. Deleting a Fee

  3. Modifying a Fee: Changing the details of an existing fee (amount, rate, billing cadence, etc.).

  4. Cloning an Agreement: Creating a duplicate of the existing agreement with or without modifications.

Adding a Fee or Creating a New Agreement

When a fee is added to an agreement or a new agreement created, the following details are recorded:

  • Date of Addition: The date and time when the fee was added.

  • Type: Add

  • Fields: Agreement Information such as start date, end date, and name. Fee details include Fee name, type, start date, end date, billing cadence, fee amount, etc.

  • New Values

  • User: The user who took the added fee.

Deleting a Fee

When a fee is deleted from an agreement the following details are recorded:

  • Date of Deletion: The exact date and time when the fee was removed.

  • Type: Delete

  • Fields: Agreement Information such as start date, end date, and name. Fee details such as Fee name, type, start date, end date, billing cadence, fee amount, etc.

  • Old Values

  • User: The user that removed the fee.

Modifying a Fee

When a fee is modified on an agreement, the following details are recorded:

  • Date of Modification: The date and time when the fee was modified.

  • Type: Modify

  • Fields: Agreement Information such as start date, end date, and name. Fee details include Fee name, type, start date, end date, billing cadence, fee amount, etc.

  • New Value: The current details of the fee after having been modified.

  • Old Value: The original details of the fee before modification.

  • User: The user who modified the fee.

Cloning an Agreement

When a fee agreement is cloned, the original and new agreements have a record of the clone.

  • Date of Cloning: The date and time when the agreement was cloned.

  • Type: Clone

  • Fields: Agreement Clone

  • New Value: The new Agreement's name.

  • Old Value: The original Agreement's name.

  • User: The user who cloned the fee agreement.

Any agreements created and/or modified before July 2, 2024, do not have Fee/Agreement history.

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