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What Smart Rule Conditions are available for Segments and Auto Campaigns?
What Smart Rule Conditions are available for Segments and Auto Campaigns?

List of the Smart Rule Conditions

Jason Wiese avatar
Written by Jason Wiese
Updated over a week ago

Smart Rule Conditions allow you to easily pull a list of contacts based on a shared attribute. Our conditions utilize both data we receive from your booking software (i.e. which contacts have purchased your 10 Class Pack) as well as Xplor Growth data (i.e. which contacts filled out a form.)

Here is a list of the Smart Rule Conditions along with their description and filter options:




Home Location

A contact's Home Location in Mariana Tek

  • Which Home Location?

Milestone Visits

A contact's Milestone Visits

  • How Many Visits?

  • At Which Location?

Number of Visits

A contact's number of Visits

  • How Many Visits?

  • When Did These Visits Occur?

Has a Membership

Get contacts who have a membership

  • Customers Who Have / Do Not Have?

  • Which Memberships?

Last Visit

Get a contact's last visit

  • What Are You Looking For?

  • When Was Their Last Visit Or Interaction?

  • Was Their Last Visit Any Type Or A Specific Type?

Visits Remaining

Get a contact's remaining visits

  • Customers Who Have / Do Not Have?

  • How Many Visits Remaining?

  • Which Credit Packages?

Finished a Credit Package

Get all contacts who finished a credit package.

  • When Did They Finish?

  • Which Type Of Credit Package(s)?

Starts a Credit Package

Get all contacts who started a credit package.

  • When Did The Credit Package Start?

  • Which Type Of Credit Package(s)?

Has a Tag

Get all contacts who have a specific User Tag.

  • Customers Who Have / Do Not Have?

  • Which Tag?

Membership Cancelled

Get all contacts who have cancelled memberships.

  • When Was The Membership Cancelled?

  • Which Memberships?

First Visit

Get all contacts who had their first visit.

  • When Did The Visit Occur?

  • Which Visits?

New Profile in Mariana Tek

Get all contacts who have just created a profile in Mariana Tek.

  • When Was The Profile Created?

  • What Is Their Home Location?

Credit Package Expiration

Get all contacts who have expired credit packages.

  • When Was The Expiration Date?

  • Which Credit Package(s)?

Membership Expiration

Get all contacts who have expired memberships.

  • When Was The Expiration Date?

  • Which Membership(s)?

Future Reservation

Get all contacts who have future reservation.

  • Customers Who Have/ Do Not Have?

  • When Are You Looking For?

  • Which Visit(s)?

Made a purchase

Get all contacts who have made purchases.

  • Customers Who Purchased/ Did Not Purchase?

  • When Was The Purchase Made?

  • Which Purchase(s)?

Email Interaction

All contacts who have or have not opened or clicked on a previous email.

  • Has or has not interacted with an email?

  • Sent, Opened, Clicked on a link?

  • Any or specific email?


Contacts who have birthdays on a given month or day.

  • Static, Relative to Today, or In the Future?


Contacts based on their gender.

  • Select a Gender

Is marked as unsubscribed to emails

Contacts who are marked as unsubscribed from emails.

Do not use on auto-emails.

Has a BrandBot Tag

Contacts who have specific BrandBot tags.

  • Has or does not have specific tags

Assigned a BrandBot Tag

Contacts who have been assigned specific BrandBot tags in the chosen timeframe.

  • Tags?

  • Timeframe?

Contact is in a BrandBot Segment

See if a contact is currently in a BrandBot segment.

  • Contact is or is not in a segment?

  • Which segment?

Is in a Funnel Stage

Get contacts who are currently in a specific Funnel Stage on BrandBot.

  • Is or is not in the Funnel Stage?

  • Which stage?

General Event

Any contact that has this general event.

  • Do you want to find all contacts who have or do not have this event?

  • When did the contacts make this event?

  • Which events would you like to filter on?

  • Were these events cancelled?

Landed on a Landing Page

Any contact that has landed on a Landing Page.

  • Do you want to find the contacts who have landed or have not landed on a Landing Page?

  • What Landing Page(s) did the contacts land on?

  • When did the contacts land on these pages?

Finished a Landing Page

Any contact that has finished a Landing Page.

  • Do you want to find the contacts who have finished or have not finished Landing Page?

  • What Landing Page(s) did the contacts finish?

  • When did the contacts finish these pages?

Abandoned a Landing Page

Any contact that has Abandoned a Landing Page.

  • Do you want to find the contacts who have abandoned or have not abandoned a Landing Page?

  • What Landing Page(s) did the contacts abandon?

  • When did the contacts abandon these pages?

Answered a BrandBot Sign Up Form

Contacts that answered a BrandBot Sign Up Form.

  • Which Form did the contact fill out?

  • Did they answer a custom question?

Is marked as unsubscribed to SMS

Contacts that are unsubscribed to SMS.

  • Are or Are Not Subscribed?

Answered a BrandBot Waiver

Contacts that answered a BrandBot Waiver.

  • Which Waiver did the contact fill out?

  • Did they answer a custom question?

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