How do I enable Re-opening Waivers?

You can automatically have waivers sent prior to class to students who haven't signed.

Deirdre Horan avatar
Written by Deirdre Horan
Updated over a week ago

To resend required waivers for BrandBot, you will have to activate the Re-opening Waiver feature. This feature will automatically send your required waiver to clients an hour before their next class if they have not yet signed.


Before setting up the Re-opening Waiver please make sure the Livestream Manager is turned on by clicking the "Turn on for my account" button.

Note: This feature is currently only available to Mariana Tek customers.

Setting Up and Activating the Re-opening Waiver Feature

1. In the top navigation bar, navigate to Apps.

2. Once in the Apps screen, click BrandBot Livestream Manager.

3. In the left-hand menu, click Re-opening Waiver.

4. You will see an option to enable this feature. Click Yes, send an email.

5. Once you select this option, a dropdown will appear where you can select the email template you'd like to send to clients with this feature. If you haven't created and saved your waiver email template yet, you'll need to do so by creating a scheduled email that includes the link to your waiver and saving it as a template. Once you've saved your email as a template, you will be able to select it in the template dropdown. Click Save after making your selection.

6. Next you will navigate to Setup on the left-hand side. You will then see an option for "Send an hour before class" you will hit the check box right next to that as seen below. You do not need to select the "send an email" option since that was already done on the re-opening waiver tab.

Now that the Re-opening waiver feature has been enabled, anyone registered for the classes that have not filled out the required waiver will receive the email an hour before class to fill the waiver out.

Please note: If you also select the 'Send an Email' box under the 'Send an Hour Before Class' box, the waiver will continue to send to all clients, regardless of their waiver signed status.

For more information on the Livestream Manager please check out this article!

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