To view your enrolled Challenge participants, navigate to Gamification > Challenges > View Challenge in the correct Challenge row.
Key Performance Indicators
At the top, there will be three KPIs
Enrollment - Number of customers enrolled
Completion Rate - Percentage of customers that have completed the Challenge
Challenge Ends - How many days until the Challenge is over
Customer Information
In the stats area, you’ll have a list of all users along with the following details:
Name - Studio member's first and last name
Direct link to the profile in Mariana Tek
Email - Email of the member
Home Location - Home location of the member
Enrolled Date - Date the member enrolled in the Challenge
Completion Date - Date the Challenge was completed
Classes Taken - Number of classes taken that were eligible for the Challenge
Status - Complete/Incomplete Status
Use the search bar to find a specific customer.
Click the Filter button to find specific enrollment information without exporting the data.
The filters include:
Complete/Incomplete/All Statuses
Select Locations
Classes Taken by Participants
Enrollment Start Date Range
Date range customers enrolled in the Challenge
Completion End Date Range
Date range customers completed the Challenge
Use this data to create segments or messaging for customers such as email participants who have not completed the Challenge or send reminders that the Challenge is almost over.